Monday, June 30, 2008

life as a babysitter

Another week has passed. I turned another year older. And I continue to spend much quality time with my nephew. As is my luck, I ended up in an urgent care last week. The doctor order chest and sinus x-rays. Diagnosis- sinus infection again. Doc gave me a shot in the ass, which my nephew witnessed and told everyone about and a week's worth of antibiotics that give me serious stomach problems everytime I eat. My sister is working relentlessly covering shifts and I don't know how much more her body can take. She could hardly walk when she got home yesterday. I am waiting to hear back from my surgeon. The ball is in his court. As for now I just take it day by day.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Well, it seems like forever since I have written. I have been babysitting for my nephew to help cut down on daycare costs for my sister. Still fighting with the insurance company. They are bound determined not to pay for a machine. I finally spoke to a live human being at Poaris Benefits yesterday. Her response to me was that I didn't qualify as a severe case. I asked her what signified a severe case. She said that I had to meet a list of like 25 requirements and I didn't. She said that if you look at my sleep results I only haad about 3 episodes where I stopped breathing. I jumped back with the fat that my O2 drops real low but she said that it wasn't low enough. According to my doctor it is low enough to effect my memory. She wasn't sympathetic to this. She then proceded to question why my doctor wanted to put me under. "You're only having carpel tunnel surgery." I said that no he was also going to be working on my elbow at the same time. He told me to tell my family to anticipate at least 2 hours of surgery. She then starts giving me some song and dance about how she is having the same thing done but under a local. Well, she might want to be awake and watching, but I don't. Little does she know that I have borrowed a machine and started using it last night. I can report that I slept a little better. I still woke up a few times. I am not feeling sleepy as the day goes on. I feel rundown but I think that is stress and the fact that my 5 year old nephew can wear a person out. For those of you that know Hunter can understand. I am now waiting to hear back from Dr. Mallick's office. I am having quite a bit of pain in my right wrist, elbow, and thumb. I am so ready to get this over with. I am thinking about starting a petition through work to see if there is enough interest in asking for a review of the company we use. Just call me the pot stirrer or the whistle blower which ever is appropriate.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fed up Part Deux

Well sports fans. No call back from Pam at Polaris Benefits. Called and talked to Melissa at Dr. walters office. My claim has been denied. The reason why we are unsure of. Dr. Walters is going to get on his high horse on my behalf. I have left a message with Dr. Mallick and the ball is in his court. I also called Pam again and surprise, surprise she was away from her desk. My friends would be very proud of me. I stated that I realize she is just the middle man but this whole situation sucks and she is going to be on the receiving end of my anger. I told her I wanted a call back since she hadn't returned my previous phone call. I wanted a detailed explanation as to why my claim was being denied. I also informed her that if it comes down to that I can't have surgery because of this and I end up with permanent nerve damage that I would be taking action and I think she knows what I am talking about. And in the tone of my sister I added, and you have a nice day also since that is what she says at the end of hers. Nice day my ass. Of all of the insurances in the state I have to have the one that won't cover sleep disorders. Oh, I also asked her how she would be reacting if the shoe were on the other foot. Of course she probably has the best plan around. My brain tells me that it is not her fault. But I need to blame somebody and she's the closest condescending person. I just want to reach through the phone and shake her silly. But if I do that then they won't cover my surgery because they will say there is nothinhg wrong with my hands. So here's the question. How bad does a person have to be before medical mutual of Ohio will cover something like this? And who are they to play God? Because that is what this is. They are making the decision that says whether one person can live to breathe another day or not. I realize that I am a little different. No comments Mark. I know I have always been different. But what I mean is I know that I don't stop breathing. But I am still having problems none the less. Who knows, maybe what happened to me the other night could have been avoided. I had my first full blown asthma attack while I was sleeping. Let me tell you people, 'twasn't fun. Maybe if I had the machine, it could have been avoided. One will never know though. That's what sucks.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lazy day

Today was the first day in over a month that I didn't have any plans and didn't have to be anywhere. Yesterday I enjoyed sleeping in and going shopping with my friend Kris. I also enjoyed sleeping in today. But what I enjoyed the most was knowing that I didn't have to be anywhere at a certain time. I am wearing my comfiest t-shirt and capries. I didn't bother to do my hair. I've watched some tv and read a book. I love to read but haven't had much time for it lately. I had decided that I wasn't going anywhere since it was so hot and my allergies are wigging me out. I haven't had it this bad in a long time. Just a nice quiet Sunday at my home. I haven't had that for awhile. Generally if I am here on the weekends I was working 9-4:30. I miss the extra money but I am enjoying having my time to myself.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Go Indians!

Our baseball team is in the state finals for the first time since 1947. Win or lose it doesn't matter. These young men should be very proud of their accomplishments. I had good intentions of going to the game this morning but sleep won out plus my allergies are really bad right now. But I am sending them good vibes. Graduation yesterday was nice. There is just something different about our county graduation ceremony and the regular high school graduation. These young men and women have overcome many obsticles to get to that point. It is a very special event for them. To me there is so much more meaning in it. I was upset to see that my student's feet have gotten worse since he hasn't been wearing his braces. His case worker says that he has an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday. I have a feeling he is going to have to have surgery again. He was completely walking on the side of his foot and ankle. His mother actually showed up. Do you think the woman could thank me for getting everything done that I did so that her son could graduate early and not face truancy issues with the state? No. She does skirted her way around me when I was talking to Brandon and basically ignored me. I shouldn't be surprised. Oh, well. It is my job. Had several people come up to me afterwards and tell how lovely they thought my speech was. Told you I was a good bullshitter.

Friday, June 6, 2008

More ranting

So, needless to say, Pam, my wonderful insurence rep has not gotten back to me. According to her voice mail she will get back to you in 24 hours and it has past. Although I have been at work so she could have left a message there. School is officially done for the year. I am sitting in an empty classroom getting ready to pack things away for the summer. I have to do check out with the front office on Monday. Not much to that. I am checking out at the county office at 2:00 this afternoon. Everything is ready on time for once. This year I now have to also check out with the district special education department. For those of you reading this that don't know me, I am employed by the county to work in the district. Lots of duplicate paperwork. I am having trouble keeping it all straight. Considering how my memory is currently working this does not surprise me. I needed to take a break from everything to just breathe for a moment. I am just going to take my county files over to the district office and let them copy what they need. I also need to write a speech for tonight. My final graduation ceremony is this evening and I have a student participating in it. This is for our county program. Each teacher with a student participating has to make a short speech about their graduate. What can I say about mine? He hasn't attended school since the end of february. When he was here he disrupted everything. It has been so quiet in my room since he has been gone. I hate being so negative but it is true. My friends know that I am a great bullshitter so I know I will be okay. I totally wung it last year and that student was even harder to talk about. I have to come in on Monday but that won't be bad. Once I get everything cleaned up and put away I can leave and start my summer. YEH!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Fed up

It must be said. I HATE MY INSURANCE COMPANY!!!!!!! So I finally get the results back from my sleep study. Yes, I have apnea but not the type where I stop breathing completely like most people. My problem is I take too shallow of a breath when I sleep which can be just as bad. I am not falling into REM sleep which explains the memory problems I have been experiencing. At least I am not going into early stages of Alzheimer's. HaHa! So I am informed by the doctor that of all of his 6000 patients with various insurances, my insurance is the only one that will not cover the cost of the CPAP machine. So his office is going to bat for me with the insurance company. He is personally writing them a nasty letter telling them that "if this patient dies in her sleep you will be held liable." That's just what a person with a general anxiety disorder wants to hear. Now I really don't want to go to sleep. I then spoke with Melissa, a very nice woman from the doctor's office that handles the insurance. She said she spoke with my insurance rep and submitted everything from my file showing that it is severe enough to warrent a machine. No machine, no surgery on my arm. Kim is very pissed at the moment. The insurence rep told Melissa it would take at least a week to review the information and make a determination. A week? I don't have a week. I am on a first name basis with this woman. Pam and I have gone a round or two in regards to them paying my claims. I threatened her with a lawyer once, I ain't afraid to do it again. So, I left Pam a very nice voice mail, cause you can never get her on the phone when you call the 800 number. I wonder how she would feel if the shoe were on the other foot. So, if I can't have the surgery to correct the nerve problem and I end up with permanent nerve damage can I sue the insurance company?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Life lesson #3

As I was perusing the news headlines on line I fell upon the most interesting article that I felt would make a good life lesson. So here goes. Life lesson #3: When mooning someone be careful how close you get to glass. It seems that some young men in the Netherlands decided it might be fun to run down the street in town with their pants down mooning everyone. One man thought it would be even better if he stopped and gave the patrons of a local restaurant a good show. Unfortunately for him, the window shattered as he pressed his exposed bum to it. Let's just say he won't be sitting down for awhile. Fortunately for them all that is required is that they pay for the damage to the window. Shouldn't the window be held liable for the medical costs to the man's backside? Let's be fair now, huh!? Moral of the story: If you're going to moon a restaurant, go inside the building. Glass and ass don't mix.

Monday, June 2, 2008


So my supervisor was in today. Generally, at this point in the school year I know who is moving up to my room from the younger class. My supervisor's response to my questioning about my class list was met with an odd answer. There had been talk that my room was to become a strictly 12+ classroom. That would mean that students entering my room would already have met all of their academic requirements and didn't qualify for our community based transition program. Instead of earning credits the students would be earning certifications in certain areas. We are in the process of making a list and discussing it with various agencies that could help. Next year would be a pilot year. When we asked Janet about whom was moving over from Tom's room she said that she wanted to sit down with the both of us at opening meeting in August to create our class lists. This way we would know who all had moved into the district. My spidey senses are telling me something is up. You don't wait untill two weeks before school starts to inform a parent of a student with a disability that after so many years in one room they are going to be moved. You need to give them time to transition/accept the change. In the past I start working on preparing lessons and schedules before opening meeting even takes place. If I am to implement this new program I need a little more time than what it seems I am going to get. All I know is they can't place anyone younger than 16 in my room. My oldest student will be 21 by the end of the year and we will get a big ding by the state if we break the 60 month rule. I also know that they will not transfer my 20 year old to the other classroom because his parents specifically asked for me to be his teacher when they decided to place him in our program. Loose ends, I hate loose ends.